Supervision Group’s Visit
In order to standardize school running, enhance school management and elevate the school-running level, on 26th April, accompanied by Researcher Yu Qifeng, six officials with the Basic Education Section, Regulations Section, Teaching and Research Office, Audiovisual Education Center and Accounting Firm as well as the special supervision group of non-government funded education in Anqing City arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School to inspect and instruct.
First of all, Principal Assistant Lao Guolin delivered reports in four aspects as follows: the comprehensive implementation of educational policies, standardization of school running, the practice of curriculum reform in addition to school education guarantee. Principal Assistant Lao Guolin hoped the supervision team would put forward instructional advice for Anqing Foreign Language School’s further development and make this special inspection a favorable opportunity to develop Anqing Foreign Language School and promote the school-running level.
Second of all, in the company of Vice Principals Yan Hongping, Liu Bing and Principal Assistant Lu Dan, the check group toured the School History Museum, Party Building Activity Room, the manual-training classroom, the teaching building of the Primary Department, the International Department, dormitories and canteens. Other than that, the check group looked through materials, attended classroom teaching, examined facilities, equipment as well as financial accounts.
Third of all, in the afternoon, the inspection team proceeded questionnaire surveys in four groups followed by a forum: student, parent, teacher and administrative leadership groups respectively.
On the whole, the supervision group not only carried through meticulous and thorough inspection, highly affirmed Anqing Foreign Language School’s delicacy management and work, but also raised a great many valuable proposals for Anqing Foreign Language School to make new steps and create new achievements.






